Institutional/Vendor Member Application

Kansas City Area Health Care Recruiters Association

Please fill in the required fields.  We will be notified once you have submitted the form.

Membership dues are $350.00 per year, which covers January 1st to December 31st.  Memberships paid after October 1st will be grandfathered into the following fiscal year.

Please submit payment by December 31st. Please make checks payable to KCAHCRA.

Mail to:  Daran Alpough, Treasurer

North Kansas City Hospital

Attn: Human Resources

2800 Clay Edwards Drive

North Kansas City, MO. 64116

Institutional/Vendor membership is open to organizations that are interested in supporting the goals of the Association and furthering the development and growth of KCAHCRA.  Companies or divisions of companies whose sole business is placing traveling health care professionals and supplemental staffing are eligible for institutional membership.  Companies or divisions of companies who provide search services for the healthcare industry are eligible for institutional membership.  Vendor membership is open to companies or organizations that distribute, supply, or sell products or services to KCAHCRA members.