KCAHCRA Scholarship
Thank you for your interest in the Kansas City Area Healthcare Recruiter’s Nursing Scholarship!
Our association if offering a scholarship opportunity in an effort to assist, encourage and enable deserving and interested students currently enrolled in an accredited nursing program. This scholarship program is open to full time students who plan to work in the Kansas City area after graduation.
In order to be eligible to apply, you must meet the following criteria:
Enrolled in an accredited BSN or ADN Nursing program on a full-time basis.
Supply two letters of reference with contact information:
From a current or previous employer
From a current or previous nursing instructor
One page essay describing why you want to be a nurse and why you are applying for this scholarship.
Pursue a curriculum that will allow graduation requirements to be fulfilled within one year of the initial scholarship payment.
Complete all required application information, including references, essay and a copy of your college transcripts by the application deadline.
Show a minimum of a 3.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale for college coursework.
Interviews will be conducted with the final candidates.
Application Deadline: Typically Opens in Fall
Interviews: Currently Closed
Awarded week of: Currently Closed
Award: $1000 scholarship
In order to be considered for this scholarship, please make sure to apply and postmark the required information, including references and official school transcript by the application deadline (TBD)
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Michelle Shortle:
Phone: 816-691-5149
Email Michelle.Shortle@nkch.org.
Theresa Burg Nursing Student 2024 Scholarship Recipient
Theresa attends Wichita State University at the Manhattan Campus and will graduate in May 2025 with her BSN. Theresa grew up in the Kansas City areas and is passionate about nursing and is excited to come back to serve her community!